Credit Control Services

Our service

Chasing your customers for invoices shouldn’t end in disputes and unhappy relationships every time, sometimes, a gentle nudge and a conversation with someone they have already built a relationship with can help to come to reasonable arrangements and bills paid on time.

How can outsourcing benefit my business?

No Sick Pay
No Invoicing
No Holidays
Systemic Processes
No Uniforms
No Recruitment Costs
No Training
No Pension Contributions
No Overheads

How does credit control outsourcing work?

Your invoices are sent to us at Fosse, we call your customers as part of your credit control team to verify they have been received and are with the right person for approval.

Systematic contact is then made via telephone, email and reminders all to suit your business needs. A report is issued from us to the required person to update you on the progress of your debtors.


Small business burnout is all too real, we want to take some of the pressure off you by helping you manage your credit. 

Fosse will give you back precious time to focus on the management and development of your business.

Many businesses share the same challenges and ask the same questions ‘how do I get my cash in quicker whilst maintaining and building my customer relationships?’ Here at Fosse, we have it covered.

Fosse Cashflow Solutions Ltd

Friary Business Centre
18 Friary Road
NG24 1LE

Call. 07464 491 396 or 07742 241 303
Open. 9am - 5pm | Monday - Friday

Company number 10005089

Fosse Cashflow Solutions Ltd

3 Bayford Drive

Newark, NG24 2GS

Call. 07464 491 396 or 07742 241 303
Open. 9am - 5pm | Monday - Friday

Company number 10005089